Wednesday, April 30, 2014

RA Lab- Person 5 (and Conclusion)

Pull up a chair ( for the last time), the owl is in.

Note- This is the last part of my RA Lab.

Person 5

This last person will call H. She lives in Tennessee and loves theater, movies, and Scrabble. Her favorite books are Fault in the Stars by John Green, Atonement by Iain McEwan, Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell and Doubt by John Patrick Shanely.

Her last read was The Light Between Oceans by M. L. Stedman, so I decided to base my search on that book. Some of the results that I got were The Lightkeeper's Wife by Karen Viggers ( which like Oceans, is set in Australia and takes place in a lighthouse), The Orchardist by Amanda Coplin ( which is “Haunting” like Oceans) Alice Springs by Nikki Gemmell ( which is “ Haunting” and “ Character-Driven” and takes place is Australia), The Breaking Wave (which is “Melancholy” and “ Character-Driven”, takes place in Australia and deals with loss like Oceans) and The Fog Garden by Marion Halligan. 
I posted my findings and got a response that she read The Orcharist before and didn't like it but she will try the other recommendations. Interestingly, someone else posted a few realistic YA fiction books like Carter Finally Gets It by Brent Crawford, The Highest Tide by Jim Lynch, and Spanking Shakespeare by Jake Wizner (H did mentioned that the type of books she likes to read are realistic YA books, along with contemporary and classic fiction.) I am wondering if other people will recommend books to those who posted.

I'm debating about calling this interview successful or not. I'm just say I was surprised that someone else chimed with recommendations besides me, and that I'm currently reading The Light Between the Oceans ( which so far is kind of slow but interesting.)


Overall, this was a really interesting experiment. I especially enjoyed using Shelfari for the other RA interviews because it allowed me to communicate with people from other states (and counties. Besides the United Kingdom, I did get someone from Australia. I haven't had time to get to this person yet but I feel since I promise I would send recommendations for those who volunteered, I will get to this person.) I know it does defeat the purpose of doing a face-to-face RA interview (and it's really hard to tell whether I was going to get a response or not) but Shelfari (along with GoodReads) are a great way to communicate with others who love to read. I also enjoyed interviewing my mom ( and finding out what else to read this summer).

Again, I have learn so much in this class. It has given me a deeper understanding in what I consider my “ comfort zone” and what books are out there to read ( especially out of my “comfort zone”). And I think there are skills that I could put to use in my job and make worth my while.

Again,thank you to all that visited the Owl. I don't know what this blog's future will be. Perhaps this will be the end, perhaps it will go  on. But thanks to all.



  1. That is interesting how you found people from all over the place. It sounds like a very interesting site. Thanks for sharing. I am glad you and your mom both love to read and share similar interests. Have a great summer.

  2. Agreed ... well done, wonderful job on locating people from "out of the area." Great idea! It would be interesting -- I have people stop me all the time & ask for suggestions -- guess, I feel even more sorry for doctors - no matter where I go - people know I'm the library lady - at least advice I give hopefully can't make anyone sick! ;)
