Wednesday, April 30, 2014

RA Lab- Persons 3 and 4

Pull up a chair, the owl is in.

Note- Here is part 2 of 3 for my RA LAB


Person 3

My second person from Shelfari we'll call LL. She lives in a place called Reading, Massachusetts and reads adult, teen and children's books ( including a bunch of Baby-sitters Club. Also saw we had 100 or so books in common on our shelves,such as the Alice McKinley series and the Mother-Daughter Book Club series. ) She also loves cooking and puzzles, her favorite books are Wonder and Fault in the Stars.

She last read Silent to the Bone by E.L. Koingsburg (which is a teen who become mute and turns to a friend for helpafter being accused of injuring his half-sister), so that is where I did one part of my search on Novelist. For Bone, some of the recommendations I got were Big Mouth and Ugly Girl by Joyce Carol Oates ( which is another realistic fiction book about a kid being wrongfully accused of a crime, in this case, a bomb threat, and turning to a friend to defend them), When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead ( which is about a girl trying to figure out some mysterious letters about her future), and Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen ( which, like Bone, is “ Character-Driven” and has the subject “ Emotional Problems”. I then did a search on the Alice McKinley prequels and the regular Alice McKinley series. For the prequels, some of the recommendations I got were Judy Moody and Stink series by Megan McDonald ( which I figure LL might like because she has a few of McDonald's other books on her shelf), Years Told Through Stuff series by Jennifer Holm, Jessica Darling's It List series by Megan McCafferty ( which is a prequel series to the Jessica Darling series, and The Penderwicks series by Jeanne Birdsall. ( For the regular Alice McKinley series, the recommendations included the Australian teen series Girl V. the World , the Emma McGraw series by Sally Warner, the Penelope Crumb series by Shawn Stout, and also The Penderwicks series by Jeanne Birdsall ( which, by the way, I have read the first two in the series.) I posted my searches ( I also asked about if the last four Alice McKinley books were any good.) Her reply was I would definitely like how the Alice McKinley series ends, and that she is curious about Big Mouth and Ugly Girl and When You Reach Me and that she might have read Lock and Key because she does read a lot of Dessen.

Because LL and I seem to have similar taste, doing her search was easy (and a joy!) I wasn't sure about recommending kid books, but when I saw her shelf did feature a lot of them, I figured it would not be a problem.

Person 4

This next person I am going to call UK-Pup ( because he is from the United Kingdom and has a dog for this avatar.) His interests are reading, gaming, anime, and writing and likes everything but crime thrillers, chick lit or erotica. His “shelf” features a lot of anime/manga series and literary classics like War and Peace by Leo Tolsoy and 1984 by George Orwell, and lots of Stephen King. His last read was The Heart of a Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov and he's currently reading The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov.

I decided to use The Heart of a Dog in my Novelist search ( also since he is reading another Bulgakov book. ) Besides getting The Master and Margarita and another Bulgakov, Black Snow, some of the other recommendations were Autobiography of a Corpse by Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky, Glory by Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov(along with another Nabokov book called Mary.) Searching under Bulgakov, the read-alike authors I got were Anthony Burgess, Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky, Frank Kafka, Milan Kundera, Tibor Fisher, and Michael Poore. I posted my searches and got a simple reply of “ Thank you for the recommendations, I will give them a try.”

I'm not sure if I was successful with this one or not, even with the small response. This person was a bit of a challenge because half the books on his “shelf” I had never heard of ( and we had very little in common with books on our “shelves”.) But sometimes we are going to deal with people who's taste may be different than ours, and we still help them anyway ( and maybe be a little open to give something different a try.)

Look for Person 5 in part 3 (along with a summary).

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