Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Nonfiction Matrix: I Could Chew on This (and Other Poems by Dogs)-Francesco Marciuliano

Pull a up chair, the owl is in.

With my week being  pretty busy with programs and reading YA books, I figure going simple and humorous would work (  also I love humorous nonfiction the most, especially Bill Cosby and George Carlin. Also love photography, biographies,cookbooks, and entertainment.) I'm hoping this is okay.

Book: I Could Chew on This (and Other Poems by Dogs) by Francesco Marciuliano, 2013.

 Where is the book on the narrative continuum?  Highly narrative ( I'm guessing since it is poetry.)
  What is the subject of the book? Poems as if they were written from the minds of dogs. 
  What type of book is it? Poetry  

Articulate appeal
a.    Pacing :Reads quick but could be enjoyed at a leisurely pace.
b.   Characters: Highly imaginative, poetic canines
c.    Tone: Light and humorous ( sometimes very moving)
d.   Author’s Intent: To let us see how a dog's mind might work ( see example of one of the poems posted)
e.    Focus: The poems focus on typical things a dog would think about ( ie. food, taking a bath, not wanting to go to the vet, kissing, etc. I selected " Food" because it reminds me of my food-focused dog, but I also love "Dance of Joy", which is about a very happy dog ( so happy he screams and curses but he is  "censored") and "DOORBELL!" which is written all in capital letters to stress an excited dog hearing a doorbell but being sent to another room from the "MAGICAL ,MYSTERIOUS PERSON".)
f.     Language: Really clean ( all ages would enjoy. "Judgement Call" is the only poem that talks about a dog trying to decide where to do its' business and "Six Ways" mentions a dog eating another dog's feces, but this is part of a dog's world.)
g.    Setting: Present day and anywhere a dog may be, but not really important to enjoying the poems (or the dogs).
h.    Details: Not really important because it's cute, funny dogs and how their minds might work.
i.     Charts or other graphic material: Cute pictures of dogs
j.     Moments of learning, experience, understanding:Personally, I think the author is wanting to entertain the reader, but I guess a humorous understanding of dogs could be applied to this.( Or giving reader a humorous experience with dogs could be applied.)
5   Why would someone enjoy this book?
      a.    Dog lover (and for cat lovers, Marciuliano does have a book called I Could Pee on This ( And Other Poems by Cats.)
      b. Loves poetry
      c. Looking more for laughs than information and education. 


  1. A dog's love sonnet to food? Now that's pretty irresistible! Your choice of light-hearted non-fiction provides a good example of how useful this matrix can be. Even when the subject matter and format are not heavy and fact-based, it is still very useful to consider factors like tone, pacing, and author's intent. Your matrix would certainly be helpful in selecting this book for a patron.

  2. I haven't read this book but I probably have to agree with you when you say it could be read at both a quick and leisurely pace. I don't read poetry collections often because sometimes I don't know HOW to read them. If they're short and cute, I'll want to consume them all in one sitting, but other times I think I should only read a few at a time and savor them more. Poetry is a great subject to be categorized in a matrix like this.

  3. I just got my BookBub daily email and this book is one of today's selections for ebook download. It's available for $1.99. I think it's funny that two days ago I had never heard of this book and now it's come to my attention twice in two days.

  4. I just checked the catalog at the library where I work and we don't have this book. I will have to buy the ebook! I am not into poetry but I think I would enjoy reading the book because I love dogs! I also love cats so I would also like to purchase the cat version. It only costs .99 for a Kindle download on Amazon.

  5. I've read the cat version of this, and let me tell you, it was awesome. I think either one of these would be a really fun way to introduce non-poetry enthusiasts to the basic ideas of poetry. It's also a super fun read in general, and spot on in terms of the way cats think. I imagine the dog version would be just as good.

  6. This sounds too cute not to read. I have 2 giant dogs and I sometimes like to imagine what is going through their heads. This book sounds like a funny way to get inside a dog's head. It also sounds like a book I could manage right now, because with school, work, and planning a wedding I don't always have a lot of time to devote to reading. This is something I could pick up for a few minutes here or there when I have time.

  7. This book sounds perfect for me right now. We have a five month old doberman names Zeus that is driving me crazy. Sometimes I wonder what he is possibly thinking!! I am definitely going to check this book out and read it!!
